Deaf & Hard of Hearing
The Experience:
When music can be felt, worlds of new experiences are available for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Children can learn how to dance. People can sign in beat with the music. Now, hearing and hard of hearing can worship together in churches.
What Clark Synthesis Offers:
The Clark Synthesis Platinum Transducer is the only choice under dance floors, church floors, or any other kind of floor. Platinum and Gold Transducers are used in seating risers and under wooden church pews and benches. Platinum, Gold, and Silver. Transducers are used in seating. The choice depends on the type of seating. We can help figure out the most appropriate transducer for your application.
The Sensory Van – The First and Only Traveling Immersive Sensory Vibroacoustic Van
The Sensory Van, also known as Alice in Wondervan, is the first and only traveling immersive sensory vibroacoustic van! Traditional Vibroacoustic Technology is a sound therapy that involves passing pure low-frequency sine waves [...]
Comparing TSTs – There Is More to The Story
Today we are releasing a new video comparing the different TSTs (Tactile Sound Transducers). Watching this video will give you some idea of how the different models compare to one another. As always, there is more to the story. We [...]
Which TST for the Best Haptic Experience?
What do designers of the best immersive experiences know? They have learned that large area haptic feedback makes the experience more real, more personal, and much more fun. This is why you see [...]
School for the Deaf in Norway
School for the Deaf in Norway One of our distributors, Norwegian Custom Media Solutions, sent us this picture of a construction project being designed into a Norwegian school for the deaf. The design: [...]
TSTs are mounted under the dance floor so that dancers can feel the beat in their feet! Now all of the dancers can dance in sync.
TSTs are either mounted under the floor or under the seats. This provides the Deaf & Hard of Hearing community the opportunity to feel the music.
Yes! Clark Synthesis TSTs are used in therapy chairs, therapy beds, massage tables, etc. If you do a Google search for Vibroacoustic, you will find many products that contain Clark Synthesis TSTs.
Clark Synthesis Tactile Sound Transducers (TSTs) transform pure audio as electrical energy into pure audio as vibrational energy. TSTs are much more than shakers. Shakers only make things shake. TSTs faithfully reproduce audio signals bringing new levels of realism and enjoyment to VR spaces, Home Theaters, Simulators, Movie Theaters, etc.
TSTs are mounted under the stage for the performers. They can feel the music through their feet. TSTs are also mounted in the seats for the audience. The audience can now feel the music.
Tactile Sound is pure audio that is felt through touch and is heard through bone conduction.